September 11, 2021:
51 years ago I was instructing for Garden State Aviation in Asbury Park, NJ. The owner, Billy Gibson, owned a D model P-51 he purchased in 1968. Had the opportunity to fly with him a few times. Yesterday, 51 years later, had the opportunity to fly with Mike Pfleger in Lady B from Casa Grande to Falcon Field where it spent last night in my hanger. He very nicely turned a short flight into 45 minutes. Mike will be racing Lady B and a AT-6 next week at Reno. I guess this proves, if you live long enough, a blind squirrel can find an acorn every once in a while. Jack
51 years ago I was instructing for Garden State Aviation in Asbury Park, NJ. The owner, Billy Gibson, owned a D model P-51 he purchased in 1968. Had the opportunity to fly with him a few times. Yesterday, 51 years later, had the opportunity to fly with Mike Pfleger in Lady B from Casa Grande to Falcon Field where it spent last night in my hanger. He very nicely turned a short flight into 45 minutes. Mike will be racing Lady B and a AT-6 next week at Reno. I guess this proves, if you live long enough, a blind squirrel can find an acorn every once in a while. Jack
Annual Inspections:
August 2020 - Warbirds sailing to Hawaii for World War II Commemoration: 14 WWII vintage warbirds were transported to Hawaii aboard the USS Essex in preparation for a series of flyovers commemorating the 75th anniversary of the wars end. Below are several links about this event:
Above painting of our Stearman by Shari Jones
"HANGER FLYING": The 1946 North American Navion